* @date 2019 * @name index.php */ # defining start time define('IR_START', microtime(true)); # defining the base path define('BASE_PATH',dirname(__FILE__)); # defining the maximum execution time to 1 hour ini_set('max_execution_time', '3600'); # defining the socket timeout to 1 min ini_set('default_socket_timeout', '60'); # defining the maximum memory limit ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); # disabling remote file include ini_set("allow_url_fopen", '1'); ini_set("allow_url_include", '0'); # defining the default time zone date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); # getting the peak of memory, in bytes, that's been allocated to our PHP script. define('START_MEMORY', memory_get_peak_usage(true)); define('START_TIME',microtime(true)); # defining separators define('DS',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('RDS','/'); # require the helper require_once '/var/www/scripts/help.php'; # parse url to get parameters $url = (filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL') != null) ? ltrim(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'),'/') : ltrim(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI'),'/'); # check if is an image checkForImage($url,decrypt('LRz7syc7G8KrXMYo/Dw3xPh2ndAk22VbLXh9+bpYZ4ZoDmOhEwQH9ZbxRWCoFT4NI7h4OL5zYwtHKupbWxiNKw==')); # check for short link ?> 0 || $data['offer-id'] > 0) { $api = decrypt('74EegSElHgT47raHtj5aGhRI3gJWVjb17BHdUBFXGuotnIdb2xktlLAdHwNFnnop9Vc/1kt0et3GGo2a9wUarw=='); $data['ip'] = getIp(); $data['agent'] = (filter_input(INPUT_SERVER,'HTTP_USER_AGENT') != null) ? filter_input(INPUT_SERVER,'HTTP_USER_AGENT') : ''; $data['language'] = (filter_input(INPUT_SERVER,'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE') != null) ? strtoupper(substr(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER,'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'), 0, 2)) : ''; if($data['act'] == 'oop') { $message = ""; if(count($_POST)) { $email = (filter_input(INPUT_POST,'email') != null) ? filter_input(INPUT_POST,'email') : ''; # send tracking information to bluemail if(!filter_var($email,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $message = "Please check your email !"; } else { # check if email is the same $result = json_decode(sendPostRequest($api,["controller" =>"Tracking","action" =>"checkEmail", "parameters" => [ "email" => md5($email), "list-id" => $data['list-id'], "client-id" => $data['client-id'] ] ]),true); if(count($result) == 0 || (key_exists('status', $result) && $result['status'] != 200)) { $message = "Your Email is not registered !"; } if(strtolower(trim($result['message'])) == 'email is correct !') { # execute tracking job exec('nohup php -r \'require_once "/var/www/scripts/help.php"; $result = json_decode(sendPostRequest("' . $api . '",["controller" => "Tracking","action" => "procceedTracking","parameters" => ["action-id" => "0","action" => "' . $data["act"] . '","process-id" => "' . $data["process-id"] . '","process-type" => "' . $data["process-type"] . '","user-id" => "' . $data['user-id'] . '","vmta-id" => "' . $data["vmta-id"] . '","offer-id" => "' . $data['offer-id'] . '","list-id" => "' . $data["list-id"] . '","client-id" => "' . $data["client-id"] . '","agent" => "' . $data["agent"] . '","ip" => "' . $data["ip"] . '","language" => "' . $data["language"] . '"]]),true); print_r($result["message"] . PHP_EOL); \' 2>&1 &'); $message = "Sorry to see you leaving :("; } else { $message = "Your Email is not registered !"; } } } include_once BASE_PATH . DS . 'optout.php'; } else { # generating link and redirecting $link = ''; $actionId = 0; if(in_array($data['act'],['cl','un'])) { # get offer link $type = $data['act'] == 'cl' ? 'preview' : 'unsub'; $result = json_decode(sendPostRequest($api,[ 'controller' => 'Tracking', 'action' => 'getLink', 'parameters' => [ 'type' => $type, 'process-id' => $data['process-id'], 'process-type' => $data['process-type'], 'user-id' => $data['user-id'], 'vmta-id' => $data['vmta-id'], 'list-id' => $data['list-id'], 'client-id' => $data['client-id'], 'offer-id' => $data['offer-id'], 'ip' => $data['ip'] ] ]),true); if($result === FALSE || count($result) == 0) { die('
405 : Bad request !
'); } if($result['status'] != 200) { die('
' . $result['status'] . ' : ' . $result['message'] . '
'); } if(key_exists('data', $result) && key_exists('link',$result['data']) && trim($result['data']['link']) != '') { $link = trim($result['data']['link']); $actionId = intval($result['data']['action_id']); } else { echo '
Incorrect redirection !
'; } } # send tracking information to master app if(in_array($data['act'],['op','cl','un']) && $data['process-id'] > 0) { # execute tracking job exec('nohup php -r \'require_once "/var/www/scripts/help.php"; $result = json_decode(sendPostRequest("' . $api . '",["controller" => "Tracking","action" => "procceedTracking","parameters" => ["action-id" => "' . $actionId . '","action" => "' . $data["act"] . '","process-id" => "' . $data["process-id"] . '","process-type" => "' . $data["process-type"] . '","user-id" => "' . $data['user-id'] . '","vmta-id" => "' . $data["vmta-id"] . '","offer-id" => "' . $data['offer-id'] . '","list-id" => "' . $data["list-id"] . '","client-id" => "' . $data["client-id"] . '","agent" => "' . $data["agent"] . '","ip" => "' . $data["ip"] . '","language" => "' . $data["language"] . '"]]),true); print_r($result["message"] . PHP_EOL); \' 2>&1 &'); } # redirecting in case of a click or unsub if($link != '') { header('Location: ' . $link); exit(); } else { echo '
Operation completed !
'; } } } else { echo '
No drop found !
'; } } else { echo '
No parameters found !
'; }